
Reckless Hair Transplantation

A Reckless hair transplantation is a cosmetic surgery that is not a treatment for an underlying medical condition. It is a highly invasive procedure with a lot of complications. The surgeon can make mistakes that cannot be corrected and that cause damage to the patient. Therefore, it is very important that you choose a surgeon who is specially trained and has a lot of experience in performing these procedures.

During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss all the pre- and postoperative instructions with you and answer any questions you may have. During this time, the surgeon will also assess whether or not you are suitable for a transplant. They will take several factors into account,무모증모발이식 including your age, hair thickness and type, as well as other health conditions that could affect the outcome of your operation.

Before the procedure begins, your surgeon will clean and numb the area of the scalp that is to be treated with local anaesthesia. They will then use one of two methods to harvest the hair follicles: FUSS (Follicular unit strip surgery) or FUE (follicular unit extraction). In FUSS, the surgeon removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head. They will then sew this flap of skin closed. This leaves a linear scar that is hidden by the existing hair in the surrounding area.

The surgeon will then divide the strip into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts that contain single or multiple hair follicles. Each graft will be positioned on the scalp in a pattern that follows your natural hair growth pattern. After the grafts are placed, your surgeon will then cover the grafts with a layer of sterile glue and stitch the area closed.강남헤어라인

After the operation, it is crucial that you follow the doctor’s recovery plan. This will help to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing. You will need to limit physical activities that can cause sweating or strain on the scalp in order to avoid dislodging the grafts. It is also essential that you stay hydrated and consume a balanced diet to support the healing process.