
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Many people are not aware that they have bad breath, and may only discover their halitosis when someone comments on it. Others, however, have bad breath on a permanent basis and suffer from psychological distress. If you suffer from halitosis, it is important to seek help to get rid of it as quickly as possible and prevent it from becoming worse.

Halitosis is the unpleasant odor of one’s breath and can have a number of causes. In some cases, it can be temporary, such as after a garlicky meal or when you first wake up in the morning. In other cases, it can be a symptom of another problem, such as gum disease or an infection in the mouth.구취 치료 병원

Those with halitosis should visit their dentist for advice. They will be able to advise on the cause of their bad breath and may refer them to a GP if necessary. It is also important to drink plenty of water and avoid foods and drinks that can cause bad breath, such as alcohol and coffee. There are also products that can be purchased to reduce or eliminate bad breath, including special mouthwashes and lozenges.

The dentist will usually smell the breath and rate it on a scale. They will also scrape the back of the tongue and use a device that can detect certain chemicals that cause halitosis. The dentist may also ask questions about the diet and medicines that are being taken, as well as whether there is any sinus or allergy problems.

A good time to visit the dentist is in the morning, as this is when the mouth is most hydrated. It is also best to avoid wearing scented perfumes, lipstick or lip gloss. These could mask the odor and make it harder to determine the source of the halitosis. It is also helpful to chew gum or sucking a mint to stimulate the flow of saliva. If you have a chronic dry mouth, a doctor may prescribe medication to stimulate the production of saliva.입냄새병원

Some people have halitophobia, an extreme fear of having bad breath. Although they may have perfectly healthy teeth and gums, they become extremely anxious about having bad breath. This can lead to odd behaviour, such as covering the mouth when speaking or using a lot of chewing gums, mints, breath sprays and other products to mask the odor. If this is the case, a psychologist can provide treatment to help manage the anxiety. It is also recommended that they visit their dentist for advice on how to stop the halitosis. In the majority of cases, a simple dental exam and brushing routine will cure the problem. For more severe cases, a dentist will recommend treatment by a specialist. This could include a GP or a periodontist, who will be able to treat the underlying cause of the bad breath. This will help to alleviate the halitosis and restore confidence in the sufferer.