
Dental Implants – What You Need to Know

A dental implant is a screw-shaped titanium or zirconia post that serves as a replacement tooth root, holding a custom-made crown or bridge. The implant has a high success rate and provides natural-looking, comfortable and functional teeth that help maintain the shape of your jawbone and facial structure. When it is cared for properly, an implant will last a lifetime.

An oral surgeon will evaluate whether you are a candidate for a dental implant.잠실임플란트 This will include a physical exam and panoramic X-rays of your mouth. If you have any missing or damaged teeth, these will also be examined and X-rayed. A 3D cone beam CT scan can be used to evaluate your jaw bone and determine if there is enough healthy bone to support an implant. It can also identify if there are any underlying problems that may require treatment prior to placing the implant.

After the initial evaluation, a treatment plan will be created for you. The type of implant and the number of implants required will be based on your specific needs and health history. It is important that you are as healthy as possible before undergoing implant surgery, as your overall health and lifestyle habits will impact how well your implants heal.

The procedure begins with local anesthesia to numb the area around the implant site. Then a small space is created in the gum and jawbone where the titanium implant will be placed. Detailed 3D computerized planning helps to ensure predictable and long-lasting results. The implant will then be surgically placed, and a small cap is put on top to keep it protected while the gum tissue heals for a few months.송파치과

If there is not enough healthy bone in your jaw to support the implant, a bone graft may be needed. This will involve taking bone from another part of your body or using a synthetic bone-substitute material. In some cases, a sinus augmentation is performed, which raises the floor of your sinus to give the implant a firmer base.

The implant will eventually fuse with the jawbone, a process known as osseointegration. Once the implant has healed, it can be topped with an artificial tooth or crown. It is important to avoid smoking, chewing on hard objects or drinking through a straw, as these can negatively affect the healing process and may damage your implant. You will need to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and exams.

Implants are a great option for people who have lost or need to replace a single or multiple teeth. They can also be used to restore a full arch of teeth for a more natural look and feel than dentures. The best candidates are adults who have healthy gums and adequate bone mass in their jaws. Patients with certain medical conditions or who take medications that interfere with bone growth, such as bisphosphonates, are not ideal candidates for implants.